Strategies for
digital political
We develop data-based communication strategies for the effective positioning of organisations and institutions in the digital public sphere. It is our aspiration to design communication in such a way that it inspires trust and strengthens sustainable digital connections.
The starting point for our strategies are the political and communicative goals of our clients. These can be very different: A party wants to win an election; an NGO wants to mobilise people towards politics for a certain issue; or a business association wants to gain political attention for an issue.
We develop communication recommendations that are platform and target group -specific. In this way, we increase the relevance of our content for the suitable target groups and generate attention.
Finn Trautenbach
Senior Performance Marketing Manager
Feray Sezgin
Senior Political Communications Managerin
The basis of our strategy process is data. This means that we always develop communication decisions, customer positioning, campaign structures and target groups based on platform data, surveys or publicly available data. It is about understanding why people are interested in a political cause or organisation.
By building data intelligence in the form of ongoing surveys, social listening and campaign dashboards, we make our clients' political communications sustainably effective.
Lilli-Chiara Kurth
Working Student: Data Science
Our creative work is also data-driven - with analytics we get insights into which visuals, themes and tonalities work best in certain networks.
Florian Wollschläger
Content Creative
Verband der chemischen Industrie e.V. – VCI
The German Chemical Industry Association is one of the most important industrial associations in Germany. It represents more than 90 percent of the German chemical and pharmaceutical industry and thus the interests of about 1,900 companies. We were commissioned by the VCI in 2021 to take political communication to a new level digitally.
Politischer und kommunikativer Hintergrund
  • So stark wie kaum eine Branche der deutschen Wirtschaft befindet sich die Chemieindustrie in einem Transformationsprozess: Sie steht vor der Herausforderung, klimafreundlicher zu werden und gleichzeitig international wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
  • Um die Mammut-Aufgabe der Energiewende erfolgreich zu meistern, ist die Branche auf einige zentrale politische Weichenstellungen angewiesen – auch bei Themen, die die ganze Gesellschaft betreffen.
  • Für den Verband entsteht daraus ein neuer kommunikativer Anspruch: Es genügt nicht mehr, ausschließlich politische und wirtschaftsnahe Zielgruppen zu bedienen.
So stark wie kaum eine Branche der deutschen Wirtschaft befindet sich die Chemieindustrie in einem Transformationsprozess: Sie steht vor der Herausforderung, klimafreundlicher zu werden und gleichzeitig international wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.
Um die Mammut-Aufgabe der Energiewende erfolgreich zu meistern, ist die Branche auf einige zentrale politische Weichenstellungen angewiesen – auch bei Themen, die die ganze Gesellschaft betreffen.
Für den Verband entsteht daraus ein neuer kommunikativer Anspruch: Es genügt nicht mehr, ausschließlich politische und wirtschaftsnahe Zielgruppen zu bedienen.
Wir haben die Kommunikation des VCI in den sozialen Netzwerken strategisch reformiert. Dafür haben wir auf Daten gesetzt und im Kern drei Dinge geleistet:
Better understanding of the target group
Based on surveys, we have determined how perceptions of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry differ across various demographic and geographic characteristics. For this purpose, we have clustered the target groups: Who are the supporters, who are the sceptics?
More specific messages
Furthermore, we looked at which sector topics are particularly important to the informed population. For which topics is there communicative connectivity in which target groups? On which channels do we reach relevant sub-publics?
More dynamic campaigns
For the implementation, we have developed an association-specific social listening and reporting structure. This has enabled us to react quickly to current trends and events and to continuously optimise measures.
At the end of the year, in addition to millions of impressions, we were able to record a lot of - and in some cases, intensive - digital dialogues. Above all, however, in 2021, the VCI set out to implement its political communication in an even more digital and dialogue-oriented way than before.

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